This is my very first blog post to introduce you to my new site. I am going to publish content around a variety of topics from general IT-Consulting, Cloud Consulting (especially around Azure), as well as Web and Software Engineering topics. You can expect posts on automation and DevOps - focusing on PowerShell, Infrastructure as Code and Azure DevOps.

Note: Opinions are my own

I currently work for Microsoft, however, all content published on this domain is based on my experience and opinions. My recommendations might not align with official statements from Microsoft and must not be quoted as such.

The content published is NOT an official Microsoft statement!
(For official guidance visit

The content is subject to change - I adhere to highlight updated articles. Otherwise you can follow and track changes in the public Github repository:


This is my first post, how exciting! Please feel free to reach out to my if there any question’s or concern’s!

Going forward

I have a list of topics I want to share in the near future, stay tuned!