
Cloud Automation 101 - Introduction to Cloud Automation, Azure DevOps, Infrastructure As Code (IaC), PowerShell, Azure Resource Manager (ARM), Unit-Testing with Pester, CI/CD Pipeline with Azure DevOps and more!

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Cloud Automation Declarative < >

Table of content


TODO: tbd

Declarative vs Imperative

TODO: tbd


Custom snippets with VSCode snippets

Vscode Extension: Azure Resource Manager Templates, open source from Sam Cogan from azure-xplat-arm-tooling

VSCode ARM Snippets

Define your own VSCode snippets by pressing CTRL + Shift + P -> Preferences: Configure User Snippets

"Azure Resource Manager Basic Template": {
    "prefix": "arm",
    "body": [
        "    \"\\$schema\": \"\",",
        "    \"contentVersion\": \"\",",
        "	/*",
        "        PARAMETER BLOCK",
        "        ",
        "    */",
        "    \"parameters\": {  },",
        "	/*",
        "        VARIABLES BLOCK",
        "        ",
        "    */",
        "    \"variables\": {  },",
        "	/*",
        "        FUNCTIONS BLOCK",
        "        ",
        "    */",
        "    \"functions\": [  ],",
        "	/*",
        "        RESOURCES BLOCK",
        "        ",
        "    */",
        "    \"resources\": [  ],",
        "	/*",
        "        OUTPUTS BLOCK",
        "        ",
        "    */",
        "    \"outputs\": {  }",

Installation AzureRm Module

Installation Guide

Install-Module -Name AzureRM -AllowClobber


# Import the module into the PowerShell session
Import-Module AzureRM
# Connect to Azure with an interactive dialog for sign-in

It is possible to the the context so you won’t need to log in every time you want to use your subscription. Enable-AzureRmContextAutosave see docs

Azure Resource Manager Template

Azure Resource Manager Template

    "$schema": "",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {  },
    "variables": {  },
    "functions": [  ],
    "resources": [  ],
    "outputs": {  }

Azure Resource Manager Quick Start Templates Collection

ARM Compose

How to structure and design your ARM templates.

  • Naming Convention
  • Parameter
  • Components
  • Functions
  • Outputs


ARM Functions

ARM Functions

Example Function Add

Run the add.json ARM template to add two parameters. This demonstrate the ARM function functionality. To run the Add-ARM use:

# 2

Specify the parameters by using a hashmap @{ first = 1; second = 1}

.\deploy.ps1 -TemplateParameterObject = @{ first = 5; second = 6}
# 11

Try code

ARM Linked Templates

Using linked and nested templates when deploying Azure resources


ARM Nested Templates

Using linked and nested templates when deploying Azure resources


ARM Deployment Order

Define the order for deploying resources in Azure Resource Manager Templates


Azure Resource Explorer

Find more about your existing infrastructure by using the Resource Explorer

Next Cloud Automation DevOps