Cloud Automation Software Testing < >
Table of content
- Cloud Automation Software Testing < >
- Checks Type - Runnig Pester in the Background
- Invoke with Output Object
- Get Summary of Pester
- Display only Failed Tests
- PowerShell saves all Errors in $Error Variable
- Prioritize Error
- List All Error Members of latests Error Message
- Stack Trace of Error of latest Error Message - General Tips
Levels, Unit, Integration, System, Acceptence
Unit Test
Per function
Integration Test
Components together
System Test
Complete System
Pester is the ubiquitous test and mock framework for PowerShell. Link to Pester
Install Pester
Install-Module -Name Pester -Force -SkipPublisherCheck
Demonstration Pester
Run Test. You can also invoke your test by running Invoke-Pester $Path
Test it here Code
Example of how to do assertions. You can use the Pipe "|" and Should function to test the output.
Describe 'Notepad' {
It 'Exists in Windows folder' {
'C:\Windows\notepad.exe' | Should -Exist
Tips for working with Azure Resources
Use a generated timestamp to avoid resources to be accidentally deleted by removing the ResourceGroup. Create a dedicated ResourceGroup that you are able to delete after your test case. You can use the Get-Date to create a unique name, but provide a naming convention for dedicated testing groups.
(Get-Date -Format FileDateTime)
Use the capability of BeforeEach
and AfterEach
or (BeforeAll
and AfterAll
for cleanup).
Be sure to have the session connected to your Azure subscriptiong Connecet-AzureRmAccount
Describe "how to clean up" {
$TestResourceGroupName = "AUTOTEST-$(Get-Date -Format FileDateTime)"
$Location = 'WestEurope'
BeforeEach {
Write-Host "Create Test ResourceGroup $TestResourceGroupName..." -ForeGroundColor Blue
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $TestResourceGroupName -Location $Location | Out-Null
Write-Host "Test started." -ForeGroundColor Blue
it "should cleanup" { "A" | Should Be "A" }
AfterEach {
Write-Host "Remove ResourceGroup $TestResourceGroupName..." -ForeGroundColor Blue
Get-AzureRmResourceGroup $TestResourceGroupName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-AzureRmResourceGroup -Force
Write-Host "Test completed." -ForeGroundColor Blue
Test it here Code
Notice: Use the ForeGroundColor to distinguish the output of the test preparation / cleanup.
If you are using PSScriptAnalyzer you should except PSAvoidUsingWriteHost
A naming convention for ResourceGroups that are created for a test makes it easier to remove them later. To remove all ResoruceGroups you can just search for them based on the naming convention.
$NamingConvention = "AUTOTEST-" # All ResourceGroups for automated testing start with "AUTOTEST-"
Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name "$NamingConvention*" | Remove-AzrueRmResourceGroup # -Force
See the Pester Wiki to learn about other assertions that you can use like: Be
, BeExactly
, BeLike
, BeOfType
, BeTrue
, Exist
, Throw
Some examples I frequently use.
If you want to ensure your script is validateing your parameters e.g. when using Parameter and Variable Validations Attributes like [ValidateSet(“Blue”, “Red”)] to get a nice autocomplete feature. Use a Parameter test.
# Returns Color
function My-Function {
param( [ValidateSet("Blue", "Red")] $Color )
Describe "My-Function Parameter" {
It "should throw when value does not match" {
{ My-Function "green" } | should throw
Notice the curly braces around the function call My-Function in order to assert the throw.
To test if a particular type is returned for instance when testing AzureResources you can use BeOfType
# Checks Type
Describe "New-AzureRmResourceGroup Type" {
$ResourceGroupName = (Get-Date -Format FileDateTime)
It "should be of type PSResourceGroup" {
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -Location 'WestEurope' | Should BeOfType "Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.SdkModels.PSResourceGroup"
AfterEach { Remove-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName # -Force
Test it here Code
Runnig Pester in the Background
Sometimes you are running Pester on a large set of test cases which will for instance just check you PowerShell style see PSScriptAnalyzer.
In order to see a summary of you Pester tests you can use the -PassThru
switch. This allows you to query a Pester object after the tests finish.
So you are able to run the Invoke-Pester
inside a PowerShell job and just have a look at the returned variable.
# Invoke with Output Object
$pester = Invoke-Pester -PassThru
# Get Summary of Pester
# Display only Failed Tests
$pester.TestResult | ? { $_.Result -eq 'Failed' }
Depending on the amount of errors you can drill into the erros after the tests completion.
PowerShell will save the errors into the Global Variable Error $Global:Error
Best practice should be to clear the error variable in the active PowerShell session before each Pester run.
# PowerShell saves all Errors in $Error Variable
$global:ErrorView = "NormalView"
Afterwards you will have a clean Error history in the Error variable that you can look into.
The last Error will be stored in $Error[0]
as the variable is an array of errors.
# Prioritize Error
$Error |
Group-Object |
Sort-Object -Property Count -Descending |
Format-Table -Property Count, Name -AutoSize
# List All Error Members of latests Error Message
$Error[0] | fl * -Force
$Error[0].Exception | fl * -Force
# Stack Trace of Error of latest Error Message
Thanks Kirk Munro: Become a PowerShell Debugging Ninja
General Tips
all Pester test scripts must end with .Tests.ps1 in order for Invoke-Pester to run them